Friday, August 22, 2008

Roponngi To Himeji

Quick review of Roppongi, probably not a place you would want to go to all the time but it's defiantly worth a visit just be prepared to get hassled by all the touts trying to get you into their bars. It's busy and heaving with people, lots of westerners either on holiday or expats working in Japan. It can be expensive but there are places to go either bars or restaurants that won't break the bank, you've got to be a little bit careful though of walking into a bar and having to pay a cover charge which can be pricey in some. The other thing that surprised me was the amount of stalls that sell Kebabs, just like being in the UK, bit strange really being in Tokyo and all that but i guess with all the foreigners around it was OK.

You also tend to loose track of time as well because everywhere is open real late or real early depending on your take on it so before you know it it's 8 o-clock in the morning, you're still drink beer and dancing around, that is if you have the energy and most sane people are getting up not just thinking of going home. Got to say though it's good fun and if you're visiting Tokyo it's something you have to do even if only once, can't really recommend anywhere as there as so many and we only visited a few but all the ones we when in were pretty good, just go somewhere that looks OK. The plan by the boys is to do it again next Friday so i guess they like it, will see if I'm up too going with them when the time comes.
Sunday Ben and Tristan got back from Tokyo late afternoon and crashed out in bed, can't say i blame them as they had to leave the hotel about noon and that was with not getting in until about 9.30 Sunday morning. Think they got up hung around TGI Fridays for something to eat and then came back, hung around is probably the right word as I'm sure that what they were.
I didn't get in that much earlier but not having to get up and check out of a hotel made it easier and i didn't feel too bad considering the time i got in.
Didn't do much Sunday as they spent most of the rest of the day and night sleeping, plan is to go to Nikko Monday for some sight seeing. Nikko is one of the most famous shrines in Japan which just happens to be only about 40kms from Utsunomiya. I did say that was the plan but as someone said "the best laid plans of mice and men", needless to say they didn't work out, couldn't get them motivated, ah well maybe next time.
I'm back at work Tuesday and they are supposed to be going to Kyoto and Osaka, go to make use of the train pass, they are also going to go to Himeji castle well that's their plan, will see what actually happened when they get back on Thursday.
Oh as we didnt go to Nikko took them to the local shrine in Utsunomiy Monday as well to take some photos and have a look round. Did find a good noodle bar Monday night which i took the B and T to, the food was good and think they both liked it.
After that went for a beer to the Lions Head and then on to a small Japanese bar i know.
Photo of the owner and his wife in the noodle shop at least i think it was his wife, then one of me and Ben with the waitress from the small Japanese bar we went in.
The boys got back on Thursday and they had actually done what they said they would, so i'm going to post a few photos of their trip.

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