Thursday, August 21, 2008

Roppongi Again

I caught the first train back to Utsunomiy on Saturday morning like i said, actually it wasn't the first train think the first one leaves Tokyo for Utsunomiya about 5.30 in the morning and i got back about 9am. Negotiating the subway system and Tokyo central station is not the best thing to do when you've been out drinking all night but i finally managed it.
Ben and Tristan had booked into a hotel for the Friday and Saturday nights, they said it was pretty nice. Cost them about 100pounds each for two night so not bad for central Tokyo but there again they were in a twin room which makes it cheaper
The B Roppongi is right in the center of Roppongi so not far to walk home for them, don't envy them on Sunday morning though when they have to check out before noon, which probably means about 2hrs sleep.
Roppongi has gone a bit up market in the last few years with the addition of a shopping and apartment complex right in the middle of it, strangely enough called Roppongi Hills, very pricey to have an apartment here.
I wasn't with them during the day actually it was late afternoon as i don't think they got out of bed till about 3 when they had a look round it, here's a couple of photos there's a giant spider right in the center of the shopping area, actually it looks more like something out of war of the worlds.
That was pretty much it for Saturday day time, i was still in Utsunomya and was going to meet them later that night. So the rest of this page will pretty much be a collection of photo's of the night events.
Good job Ben had brought his phone else meeting up would be difficult as there are hundreds of places to meet.

Finally got in touch and met them in a bar called LinerFlips, think it got it's name because it specialised in cocktails and the guys behind the bar put on a show mixing them, bit like Tom Cruise in the film cocktail. After that we went to a place called Gas Panic lost of people and a bit of a panic but no gas, after that it was off to Shubuya to meet some friends from Utsunomiay. This was a bit of a disaster as while we were on our way there they phoned me to say they on there way to Roppongi, we were on the metro at the time thought we'd carry on.

Needless to say i never thought about the underground closing so no sooner had we got to Shubuya and realised we needed to get back and the underground was shut, so taxi it was.
Am sure there is a lot more to Shubuya than we saw but we didn't have time to see or find it this time so it was a bit of a dead loss.
Some photos one on the metro and one on the crossing in Shubuya one we though was the big one there but it turned out it wasn't. The other one's of me still in the Taxi, tip for anyone getting a taxi over here, the doors open and close automatically so don't be hanging onto the door or you could get a nasty shock.
Back in Roppongi and on to the next place, we were meeting the others at a club called Muse or at least that was where they we going whether we met them or not was another thing. On the way we stopped off in a bar called Heartland which was built in the Mori tower of Roppongi hills, very nice and a bit more upmarket than most of the other bars, there were even people of my age in there believe it or not and trust me i found it hard to believe.
Some photos of us in Heartland one with a couple of girls, one of them turned out to be some sort of agony aunt on the radio

After a beer or two on to Muse, finally got there as you can see we got a beer and went to explore , not sure what Ben and Tristan are doing in this photo and i took it. Probabbly something that sounded like a good idea at the time, looking at it now just looks like two blokes with there head in a hollow tree and a bottle of beer in there hands, something you see everyday,

Ben giving me a bit of fatherly advice, something like ain't it past your bed time. A couple of party goers, and a photo of Ben and Tristan with a couple of girls they bumped into on the street, not sure if i took this photo or not they say i did but i can't remember think the night or should i say morning got to be a bit of a blur. Anyway that's it just remained for me to find my way back to the subway station and then on home, think it was even later or should i say earlier today than it was before

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