Sunday, August 31, 2008

Noodles And Beer

Don't know what's going on in Japan at the moment the rainy season is over yet there's been more rain in the last few days that in the rainy season, or at least the part i went through.
It's rained pretty much all week and then on Friday the heavens opened, it was torrential the drains were backing up in the streets and it was almost lifting the covers off out of some of them, there was a fountain of water coming up instead of going down. Would have taken a photo but for two things didn't have my camera and just being out in it you'd have been soaked in a second and so would the camera.
That was Friday night you can tell it was bad as i even stayed in and watched a couple of films, imagine that Friday night of all nights, did go out Saturday though, it was raining but not as hard.
Also Friday watched a bit of news the BBC on my skyperfect TV , what's going on in the UK sound like the economy is going right down the tubes. What's his face A Darling has given a pretty gloomy forecast as I'm sure everybody there knows, it's all they seem to be talking about here at the moment, probably a good job I'm working in japan right now from the sound of it. One good thing that has come out of it i'm getting paid in dollars while here and the exchange rate's getting better, so come on you Darling.

As you know the boys left the other day and I've been cleaning up, not that they were that messy but just been putting the beds away and a few other things. I'm pretty surprised all that they forgot was a T shirt one lone white sock and the mount Fuji walking sticks they'd used on the climb. I'll bring the sticks back later, as they are a bit of a memento as you get them signed at every station on the climb up Mt Fuji and are a bit of a keep sake. Spoke to Ben on Friday the day he got back to the UK flight went nice and smoothly it seems they both got up graded to business on the flight from Tokyo to Helsinki, think that was the icing on the cake for them. Think they enjoyed them selves and it was nice to have them and they are welcome back any time, just give me a couple of months to get over this trip
It's Sunday as I'm writing this and I'm just debating what to do for food, found a take away noodle shop the other day called Hotto Motto, food was great so i may go there again. The other good things about it are as well as the food being good, it's cheap (i like that) and it's just down the road from the apartment and i can walk there pretty easy, may go for a beer then stop in on the way home and get some food, yes that sounds like a plan.
Not a lot has been happened since the lads left in fact it's been pretty quiet really. Work has been a bit of a wash out as well, I mean literally a wash out because of all the rain we've had. Things are moving along well but because of all the water it has caused some small delays, but there are plans a foot to get round these.
While walking around on site the other day i noticed some plastic bags with what looked like beer wrote on them, check out the photo, personally i prefer my Beer to come in a glass you don't spill so much that way but each to his own.
The other thing i noticed the other day when i was in the supermarket, was the amount of guys on the phone obviously speaking to there wives or girl friends (maybe both i don't know) about what to kind of lettuce to buy, personally i think they should get a green one.
It seems some things are the same the world over. Always makes me smile when I'm in a supermarket back home and people are phoning about what to get, what kind of milk and that sort of thing, come on be a man and make a decision get the white stuff the cows want back. It's easy for me to say as I'm not married would probably do exactly the same if i was, but I'm not so i can mock
everyone on the phone in the supermarket making that big decision about today's dinner or lunch if your American, yes i saw it in the states as well.
Can't think of a lot to write at the moment so am going to make a cup of tea, a cup of PG to be precise brought 320 of the little beauties back with me this time.
By the way i know the title sucks but I'm going through writers block at the moment, well at least that's my excuse, really it's just that I'm not very imaginative.
Will try and think of something more interesting to write about in the next blog so until then flatmates.

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