Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well the boys got back from Kyoto, Osaka and Hiemji on Thursday and think they were pretty tired as they just stayed in and watched TV.
They seem to have had a good time and have certainly done some travailing, making the most of the rail passes they bought. They are planning on going to Roppongi again the next day or should i say the next night think that's why they came back Thursday to rest up, this time though no hotel train back early Saturday morning.
Tristan went to Tokyo the next day early and was going to meet Ben that night he wanted to get some photos of Harajuku girls. It a style of dress for girls in Tokyo that started out in you've guessed it an area of Tokyo called Harajuku. Never heard of them but apparently Tristan has and he's into photography, anyway couple of photos in case you're wonder.

Not exactly sure what to make of it all but each to his own, sort of remind me of dolls and punk, am told you even get Harajuku boys.
So anyway way Tristan's in Tokyo and Ben's going to meet him later, me I'm still undecided but in view of the fact that Ben is not here every day I'll probably go as long as I'm not cramping their style and they both say I'm not, so polite.
Ben goes off to meet Tristan in Tokyo and i said I'd meet them about 10.30 in a bar we all know there. About 30minuets after Ben had left there was an earth quake, it shook the building quite a lot and to anyone who has never experienced one it quite disconcerting and that's pretty much all us Brits. Say what you want apart from the odd flood we don't really have many natural disasters to worry about do we, apart from maybe an actors strike on Coronation Street or Emerdale. Like i say for a few seconds i wondered if i should leave the building, to a Japanese person I'm sure it was nothing but to me it was quite weird, the biggest one I've felt since being here, we small earth tremors every week. When i saw Ban later in Tokyo he told me he was on the train and they stopped it on the track and turned out the lights for 15mins. Ben said he didn't know what was going on but there were people trying to get out of the doors, as they say ignorance is bliss.
On to their last night in Roppong not going to talk about it just show a few photos. Scratch that went into a bar called Geronimo's, small bar lots of people got some drinks and did some people watching. Being a bar with a name like Geronimo's it obviously had an Indian theme, the main one being if you bang the drum behind the bar you have to buy a drink (shot) for the whole bar and i mean everyone. Well strike me down with a Harajuku girl, we'd only been in the bar twenty minuets and some EEjit bangs the drum and it's shot time. Thought we were in luck as i said to my self that don't happened very often, then another EEjit bangs the drum again, and another shot. I'm thinking twice in one night must be unusual and were getting free drinks, then the drum bangs again can't believe it, some one must have more money than sense, I'm thinking the bill for one round of shots must be about 200quid, the bar was small but it was packed.
Well stone me if another guy doesn't go up and bang the drum, we get another round of shots. Sort of lost count after that but i do remember that one guy hit the drum twice and bought two rounds, must have been about 400quid. Couldn't work it out buying a bar full of strangers a drink the only thing you got was for everyone to say cheers and your name on a plaque on the wall for banging the drum it takes all sorts and we weren't complaining. Bet we had about 6 free drinks so well done guys keep banging the drum it's lovely music, if you re ever in Tokyo go to Geronimo's you never know you might get lucky.
Now for some photos not sure i have one from Geronimo's though, too busy drinking no time to take a photo. Found one what ever you do if you see a bell or a drum behind a bar don't ring it or bang it or you could get more than you bargained for.

Ben Tristan and some Auss guy we met a Geronimo's, this was taken in can't remember but it was somewhere else.

Oh forgot to say Ben and Tristan are going off to climb Mount Fuji, or Fuji San as the say over here, on Monday. It's been pouring down all day today so hope it's good weather for them, else they will get wet, Fuji is getting on for 4,000mts so that won't be fun in the rain
They fly home on the 28th and climbing Fuji San has been one of the big things on their list of things to do do, the next blog will hopefully start with they did it.

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