Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shibuya Crossing

The other Sunday got up a bit earlier than usual wasn't sure what i wanted to do so ended up catching the train to Tokyo. It was a bit later in the afternoon than i would have liked but if you get the fast train you can be there in 50 minuets, costs about 30 quid but it's not like i do it ever weekend and Tokyo's a bit more exotic than going to London. There again i am a Brit, I'm sure if you're Japanese and going to London would be more exciting than going to Tokyo, just different points of view.
So there i was on the train didn't know what to do or where to go in Tokyo, decided on an area called Shibuya, i remembered the name from when my son Ben was here last year. We went there one night, apparently there's is one of the busiest crossings in the world there and we though we were on it but we weren't, i remembered that and thought i would go and check it out and try and find this bloody big crossing couldn't be that hard to find could it.
When you get the train in Utsunomiya to go to Tokyo, you normally travel to Tokyo central station and get the underground from there, well at least i do. Got to love the train systems here, not only is everything on time, lots of the ticket machines are automatic with an English option, even i can use them and that's saying something, this saves loads of time no queuing up which is great.
So I'm in Tokyo station had to get underground or metro as they call it here, got on the Marunouchi line to the Ginza line than off at Shibuya, sounds so much more exciting than getting on the Central line and Circle line, but there again i guess it depends where you're from.
While i was on the metro could not resist taking a photo of this guy and his bag, may just be me but i don't think i would have had a bag like this when i was his age unless i had a death wish, there again different cultures and outlooks. There doesn't seem to be any problems over here with what most young lads in the UK would probably think was a bit effeminate or girlie, and if they didn't someone would and most likely would and pick on them, none of that seems to happen over her, at least from what i can see it dosen't

Anyway get of in Shibuya go out of the station and nearly get killed walking onto the busiest crossing in Japan, didn't really just thought i would say that as the crossing is right at the station and i don't know how we missed it last time, except to say we had all have a couple of beers.
Like i say it was getting a bit late, so i just did a bit of people and crossing watching, while i was at the crossing and took a bit of a video. There was a Starbucks close to the crossing, though I'd go and sit on the second floor and look at the window and take the video, when i got to it realised that I wasn't the only one who had that idea there was a queue to get in, this Starbucks must defiantly be the busiest in Japan and probably one of the busiest in the world, was worth a photo in it's own. Check out the coffee shop above and the crossing below.

That was it for the crossing now for a look round Shibuya and for something to eat, and then on to Roppongi later for a few beers. Not much to report as it was getting late, decided there was not enough daylight to go to the park, apparently there is a nice shrine there, seen one shrine seen em all so to speak maybe next time. So just a couple of shots from Shibuya one as it was still light and one when the lights came on, need to get here earlier next time next time.

Back on the Ginza line and head for Roppongi, it's Sunday night so i don't expect there to be much going on there. Friday and Saturday nights the place is heaving and i doubt if you could walk from one end of the street to the other without getting accosted by the bar touts at least 20 time. These guys all seem to be from Africa, somewhere like Nigeria or Kenya and are usually pretty big and persistent, there's no problem with them but if you are not used to it it can be a bit intimidating, as i say no problems just ignore them is the best way and they leave you alone, thry never to make eye contact or talk to them.
As i though it was pretty dead and hardly got approached to go in any bars, which was good.
Did go to a couple of the places i went with Ben and Tristan when they were here. One of them was called Geronimo's I'm sure they will remember it. Geronimo's is a shot bar, the idea is if you bang the drum when in there you have to buy the bar a round of shots, would not recommend it as it can be expensive. When we were in there last year bet we got at least 4 drinks or shots bought by strangers or suckers depends on how you look at it, no one was buying today though. Like i say it was a bit dead Sunday and all that with work tomorrow. Other place i went to have a look around was Roppongi Hill, Ben and Tristan can probably remember the spider as well.
That's pretty much it time to get the last train back no stopping all night this time need to be a good boy as it's work tomorrow

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