Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sushi Ondo

Well it's May golden week is over and we've been back at work for a few days now, did get to Tokyo over the Holiday but not much to report there really. Did find a new Sushi restaurant to go to though, it's called “ Sushi Ondo” part of a larger chain called “Genki Suchi” the Ondo bit is basically the lower end of the market and it’s know for doing 100Yen Sushi.
All or most of the plates are 100yen, the way you get you food is on a conveyor belt that winds round the table on the be/t are plates with food on “Sushi” you pick up a plate of what you fancy from the conveyor and eat it. The way you keep track of what you spend is to collect plates, in Ondo most all of the plates are 100yen so if you have five plates hay presto 500 yen plus tax of 5% so 550yen, simple as that, in some of the Suchi bars different colour plates mean different pricesDon’t get me wrong though the quality of the food in this 100yen place is great, I’ve been a few times now and it’s always been good. There’s quite and extensive menu and if you don’t see whizzing round what you want you just order it from a little menu display screen on your table which goes right through to the kitchen and in a couple of minuets it’s winding it’s way to you. There must be some kind of wireless thingy close to the table linked to the plate you ordered cos when it gets near your table it actually calls out the table number just in case you’re engrossed in eating the raw squid you picked up earlier, how cool is that.

Never thought I would be eating much raw fish but got to say it’s quite nice with a bit of Soy Sauce and Wasabi (like horseradish-hot). Never had Sushi it in the UK but don’t imagine it’s a patch on what you can get over here and if it is I’m sure it costs and arm and a leg, don’t think there is any of the 100yen (70p) a plate in good old Blighty.

Like coming here the staff are really friendly and helpfull and showed me how to use the little menue display on the table to order things. When i was looking through it i came across a plate of chips, was tempted to order some but after all I was here to eat Suchi, could not hepl taking a photo of some though when they came near my table.

Check out the crab soup i ordered below, cause i didn't know it was crab soup when i ordered it thought it was Miso soup. Miso soup is pretty traditional in Japan but guess what it doesn't have crab in it, you get with most meals and I quite like it, think this half a crab was hiding when i ordered it. Soup wasn't what it thought it was but it tasted OK, I left the crustacean thought, well i tried it but it was all shell and no meat.

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