Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saga Of The Lost Phone.

Sunday morning and i normally get up late but today i got up a bit earlier than normal, didn't go out last night was still recovering from Friday night. Anyway got up around lunch time, yeah i know that's not early but it's my only lie in of the week we are working 6 days a week now and have been doing of the last couple of months. So as I'm up earlier then normal in the back of my mind is catching the train and a trip to
Had just made my first cup of tea and the bell goes to the apartment so i check the phone to see who it is, it's one of those video thingies you pick up the phone and the camera comes on you can see who's down stairs trying to get in, then you either choose to let them in or not usually if you know them you let em in but not always.
It's Scott am thinking what the hell does he want at this time on a Sunday, he knows I normally don't receive visitors this early on a Sunday, come to think of it he's usually asleep as well so I'm intrigued and let him in so he can get the lift and come on up.
Turns out he'd had quite a heavy night last night but was up early cos he's lost his phone, i mean what does he want me to do if he cant find it. First thing i asked him though was are you sure it's not in your apartment, definitely not he said he had rung it a couple of time using Skype and it didn't ring and it was definitely not there. Apparently he'd had the phone when he went to the 7/Eleven last night or early in the morning but then when he got home or got up this morning he couldn't find it. Had the whole story which took about an hour, he was still a bit hung over so it was hard going at times and he kept repeating himself and going off at tangents but he got there in the end.
Tried to tell him if it's laying anywhere obvious and someone spots it they will probably hand it in at the police station, they can find out who's it is by checking the number and who it's registered to. Tried phoning up a few times on the off chance it rings and some one answers it, no luck.
Time to retrace his steps not that that would do a lot of good as he had already done that, but think he wanted moral support and i was it, so off we pop retracing his steps to the 7/Eleven turns out he had been to two 7-11s, don't know why but anyway we go to them both but no luck on finding the phone.
With the story and the retracing of the steps it was about 2hrs later by this time, so any thoughts of going to Tokyo were out and i was getting a bit brassed off by this time. We ended up back at his apartment as that was sort of the end of the line inside i just though I'd try ringing from there, not thinking it was in the apartment cos after all he'd already rung it twice right. Guess what rang the phone and heard a ringing straight away coming from the bedroom went in and there it was on the floor by the bed, i mean the guy must be an "idiot" not to have seen it he must of had to step over it when he got out of bed. Phone was in the middle of the floor, to say i was a bit pissed is an understatement, we'd been talking and looking for this thing for two hours now and he'd told me it "definitely was not in his apartment" cos he'd rung it "idiot", i mean it was not even under the bed or anything or out of sight. Anyway that was it for the phone and for me off i go home chuntering away in my head about stupid people, and just open your eyes you moron that kind of thing.
Anyway "forget about it" tomorrow we were going out with the Electrical contractors for a meal as one of the guys was leaving site and not coming back, not sure where we are going but is should be good.
Went to a Izakaya for the meal love these places food is usually great and the price is as well, as i happens we did not have to pay but that just makes the food taste better. We started with little bowls of raw spicy squid, i know it doesn't sound good in fact squid by it's self doesn't taste of anything much and is real chewy, but in a spicy sauce it wasn't bad nice. Next course was some Sashimi which is just raw fish no rice, once again with a bit of a sauce on top real nice, then for the obligatory Sushi with is raw fish usually on top of a ball of rice, some times with a bit of Wasabi Mustard (real hot if you have too much). After that a lot of other courses fish, chicken, Japanese Pizza, even sort of fried potatoes, soup the whole nine yards all in all very nice, of course we didn't do the ordering. I'd never been to this place before and would never have know it was there as it was tucked away in a back street, when we got in there it was done out with in a sort of beach , jungle type to the decor, check out the photos, like i say very nice and as usual the service was great.

The Japanese guy in the photos with the goatee is one of our electrical contractors, he's leaving site and won't be back, so the meal was sort of a going away party for him, anyway check out the photos below.
Oh nearly forgot to mention did find one new thing that i really liked during the meal "Plum Wine" its called "Umeshu" and it's great on the rocks.

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