Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back In Japan

It's well into January now and so much for resolutions, all I've posted this month so far has been catch up blogs from last December.
Flew back to Japan on the 2nd Jan and got here on the third was expecting snow when i got back to Utsunomiy there hadn't been any, which probably was just as well as i was at work again on the 5th. Flew back KLM this time which meant i had to go through Amsterdam and then on to Narita. Met a girl on the plane and we chatted a bit so it made the time go a bit faster, she turned out to be an Oboe player and was in a concert orchestra, had quite an interesting conversation about here making reeds for her Oboe, which is the bit that makes the noise. No really it was quite interesting especially the fact that she made them herself, she was really into it. The other thing she seemed to do was knit, she was knitting a hat, made me smile as she must have made a mistake and by the time we got to Japan there was less knitting on here stick thingies than when she had started with in Amsterdam. The other thing i noticed when coming in to land at Narita was that you could see mount Fuji out of the window, i didn't know it was mount Fuji but the girl told me. Had thought it was a lot further away from Tokyo but there it was lots of snow on top, made me think of Ben and Tristan climbing it in the rain. Took a picture of it which does not do it justice as it was actually quite impressive.

So that was pretty much it for the flight then next thing i was at the airport and getting the bus back to Utsunomiya. The bus takes about three hours but you don't need to change like you do if you get the train just sit back and relax till you get there, no dragging your bags around Tokyo station looking for the next train.
So I'm back in my apartment time to try and get my head down for a bit, then go out for a few beers to help me sleep the night, try and avoid any kind of jet lag. Bit of a sleep and then out into the night see what's going on, not much I'm sure but anyway i went up to the Lions Head and then after that on to Birdland till the wee hours and my usual bar of chocolate and sandwich on the way home. It's bit like having a kebab in the UK when you've been out for a few beers but there aren't any Kebab's over here well not on the way to my place there ain't.
That was it for my first weekend back the next thing would be work, we were expecting a few more people from the US so we would have another office full and be busy. Actually it would be quite interesting going back to site and seeing what had been going on for the two weeks we'd been away.
Don't seem to be able to stick to any of my NY's resolutions that my be because i didn't make any NY's eve but the next day and probably they don't count if you do that. While I'd been back in the UK had not been to the gym, had told my self that when i got back to JP would try and hit it a bit harder but it's been the opposite since I've been back up to now have only managed to go a few times, ah well guess in the overall scheme of things it don't really matter.
Been back at work about three weeks now and all I've got to say on the subject is that's it's a four letter word.
Last weekend went to Tokyo, a mate of mine had joined a group over the Internet just to meet some people in Tokyo and had mentioned that it to me so thought i would give it a go. Had been planning to go to Tokyo again anyway, Joined this British Expats meet up group which had a meeting last weekend so thought i would give it a go, i know it sounds a bit sad but what the heck when in Japan as they say or should that be Rome. I know some people in Utsunomiy now but no one in Tokyo so time to broaden my horizons, what could it harm may actually be OK it was down the pub after all so couldn't be all bad, will tell you about it in the next blog.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Welcome back to 2009 Steve. Happy New Year!