Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Last Meal

Sort of almost up to date now with things before Christmas now, am sure I've probably forgot more than I've remembered but at least I'm making an effort.
Been out for a few meals before the holidays, took my American mate Ernest or Ernesto as i call him over to Red Lobster which I'd spied a few weeks before when i was on the bus coming in from Narita. Was actually surprised to see they had a Red lobster in Utsunomiy, did a bit of digging found out where it was on Google maps and off we went.
Meal was good but we sort of screwed up on the ordering, it was all in Japanese after all and all we could understand was the price and the photos. Turns out there was some stipulations on what you ordered and we order the wrong combinations. We wanted the salad buffet but to have it you had to order a mine meal we'd already ordered though when they told us this. Tried to cancel the original order which would have been OK but as we couldn't speak Japanese it sort of got lost in translation so to to speak and even though we thought we had canceled everything came. Basically far to much food for the two of us and pretty expensive but it was good so there was nothing to do but to tuck in and enjoy.
A few days after that we all went out for a meal before Christmas it was sort of a last supper so to speak, turned out to be really nice. The meal was acutely organised by the German guys who had been working with us and it was my mate Gerhard's going away meal, he was going back to Germany and would not be back next year. Went to the Chinese we call it the big menu restaurant you'll see why in a bit basically it's got bleeding big menus you can't see over the top of it if it's in the middle of the table.

Meal was real nice from what i can remember, it has been nearly a month ago after all, seem to remember we had some of the usual suspect such as sweet and sour chicken etc, some different things like fried squid and some kind of clams n oysters. It was all good though and i haven't even mentiond the beer and Sake. Anyway that's about it for last year, am sure there was lots of other things but i cant remember them all.
Holidays are over now but did have some good news before Christmas was only expecting to be able to have a week off. Thought i would have to be back here for the 28th but as luck would have it Christmas is not a big holiday in Japan, in fact it's a working day. New Year on the other hand is pretty big here and there was a holiday on site between the 28th Dec and the 5th Jan so had an extra week thank you very much.
So any way it was off to blighty for Christmas and NY, my son Ben was picking me up at Birmingham airport when i got there so that was good, will probably do a bit of a blog about my trip home will see how i feel.

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