Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cold In Nikko

We'll it's the new year no so Happy New Year to everyone, totally screwed up with the blogging last year, only published one post in December. Was going to make a NY resolution to do more this year but don't think it counts if you don't do it on NY's eve, what with one beer leading to a Bacardi totally forgot so it don't bode to well for the old Blog count this year.
Anyway going to try and catch up with a few things that happened before Xmas, so the next couple of blogs will be about that.
Now where was i, yep last blog was about the monkey's, got to say the service was pretty good they only get paid peanuts, just had to say even thought it sound really crap and has been sad a thousand time before.
So what happened after that, pretty much business a usual at work things are defiantly getting a lot busier and it's getting a hell of a lot colder.
Guess i must have a bit of a memory like a gold fish cos i can't remember an awful lot of what when on before Christmas, went out for a few meals and visited a place called Nikko, which apparently has one of the best shrines in Japan.
So guess I'll start with Nikko, first of all I'll say that i need to go back as i really didn't see anything. it's was on a Sunday thought I'd catch the train instead of driving, found out it goes pretty regularly about ever half an hour.

As usual had been out on the Saturday night so got up fairly late messed around after that, typical you might think. By the time i caught the train it was about 3pm, got there about 4pm. Don't know why i went really when it got so late, it was already starting to get dark when i got there, the other thing is it was bleeding freezing. Nikko is a lot higher up than Utsunomiya in the hills/mountains and always a good few degrees colder, it was freezing in Utsunomiya when i left, had not thought of this before i got on the train what an idiot if i had that would probably have been the deciding factor not to go. Check out the photo i took when got out of Nikko train station, i know it doesn't look like there's much snow but it was cold i promise you

Now i don't know what was going on on the particular Sunday if was just because it was cold, late or some kind of holiday ore everyone else knew something i didn't but there was no one there when i got into town and everything was pretty much closed, which sucked a bit as I'd made the effort to get there even if it was late. Bottom line is i walked through town didn't get to see anything, walked back got on the train was only there about an hour nearly froze to death for my troubles, so guess I'll have to do it all again what joy. No seriously it is supposed to be a must to visit when you're in Japan so will defiantly do it again, did take a couple of photos though when i was in the town so here they are. one is of the bridge at the end of town and the other is of a restaurant i went in for a quick coffee to get warm.


Claire said...

Hi Steve, good to have you back on the blog, we missed you! Got any jobs out there for Phil???? Clairabella x

Steve said...

Hi Clair, yes it’s been a while, Happy New Year, don’t know how you guys do so many.
Wish there was something for Phil out here, have got a spare room and it would be good to see you both.