Monday, September 29, 2008

Scrambled Eggs and Lemsips

Well it's Monday the 29th today and just got back from work, actually have been back a while now but who cares.
I booked my flight to Korea the other day and like i say i go on Thursday of this week. Wouldn't you know it i started with a bit of a cold last night and this morning i had a full blown head cold. Not exactly sure what a head cold is but if it's what i think it is running eyes, dripping nose and generally feeling stuffed up then i have one.
Anyway I'm on the Lemsips that i brought from the UK tonight hoping i can get rid of it by Thursday night which is when i fly. I hate flying with a cold so hope the Lemsips last I've only got 10 left, I'll have to get some local stuff if they run out so that should in it's self be interesting in Japan.
I get into Seoul, which for anyone that doesn't know is the capital of South Korea at about 8.30 if everything is on schedule then hopefully to the hotel where I'm going to stay by 11pm, which reminds me i need to book one yet, shouldn't be a problem though as i know a few in the town where I'm going.
Work has been pretty uneventful today, but i did manage to figure out how to get the air con unit in the office heating up rather than cooling down today. It's been a bit cool today and with me feeling under the weather needed some heat on, got to try and get better and all that. Actually I didn't do it asked my mate Fumio who is the PM for our electrical subcontractor and lives in a porta-cabin just round the corner from ours to do it for me, everything is in Japanese after all. He doesn't really live there it's just his office, but he does do a lot of hours come to think of it.
That's been pretty much it for today as you can see i lead a pretty exciting and eventful life at work. Got home decided not to go to the gym and just to chill out and get something to eat and watch TV. Hit on the idea of scrambled eggs on toast, surly i could do that couldn't I? don't know why but I've had a micro wave all this time and have never done anything in it.
So it was off to my favorite supermarket to get some eggs and a bowel to do them in, to cut a long boring story short they were great so watch out Heston, rest assured i will be doing them again, may even throw a scrambled egg and beer party. After the food it was TV watching then a Lemsip watched a bit more TV, another Lemsip phoned my youngest son Joe for a chat after that you guessed it another L......p.
That's it for today enough plugs for Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare, which is who by the way who make Lemsip.
Maybe if I'm not any better tomorrow i will check out the Sports conditioning and aromatherapy place in the bottom of the apartment block i live in, I'm not sure about the name though. Chance of me going though are bit doubtfully the last time i went for a sports massage they nearly killed me, thought my arms were being twisted off and i was going to get my back snapped in two from some one walking on it, have to say Asian people are much more supple than westerners well at least than this one.
I walk past this place night on my way to go to the gym, the bloke who owns it always says hello, well actually he says Konbanwa as he's Japanese and i don't think he speaks English. Konbanwa is the Japanese word for good evening by the way anyway he always seems pretty busy there are usually cars outside so i guess things are good.
Can hardly believe that i have wrote a blog about nothing but there you go, may even try to do another one before i go to Korea so Tarar for now.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Have a great trip Steve!