Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kalbi and Origami

Well it's been another week since i did my last blog, times just seems to shoot past when you're having fun, that's sarcasm by the way.
The season's are starting to change here now, driving to work everyday the farmers are hard at work harvesting the rice crop. The rice paddy's that were a really bright shade of green in the summer are now all turning to the colour of straw and everyone seems to have a little rice harvester and be out in the rice paddy's getting in the rice.

Its definitely turning a bit colder over here as well now, still quite warm during the day it was in the 80's the other day but first thing in a morning and at night bit of a chill in the air. It's still not really cold weather yet but in another month or so it probably will be. On saying that though have seen a few Japanese girls on my travels to and from the gym around eight at night wearing pretty big coats, so i guess some people are already starting to feel the cold.
It's Sunday here and am going to try am post at least ever Sunday and if i really feel inspired in the middle of the week as well, but don't hold your breath.
Stayed in all this past week apart from going to the gym or maybe getting something to eat that is, I'm going to try and do every week if i can apart from weekends. It gets difficult to do this though when we have people over from the States, they're' usually only here for a week or so and want to go out and be entertained, for them it's sort of a novelty but for me and Fred who are here long term we don't really want it especially on a working day.
So stayed until Friday then went out with Fred to a nice Korean restaurant we found, had some Taji Kalbe, which is basically marinated pork. Korean food or the meat part of the meal is usually cooked /grilled over a small barbecue built into the middle of the table which is usually either charcoal or gas, anyway we had this and it was great.
That was Friday out of the way then on Saturday i was invited to a sort of curry party at a restaurant which had been organised by a Japanese guy who i know but I've forgot his name, sure it will come back to me later. My mate's Razor who's my neighbour and lives just down the hall from me and he'd forgot to mention the party it to me earlier in the week. Anyway he phoned up out of the blue at about 5pm Saturday right while i was in the middle of my washing and ironing, so i was in a bit of a dilemma should i continue with the washing and ironing or go to a party. One second later and party it was, it had been a tough decision but in the interests of international relations, Razor's Indonesian and everyone else was Japanese i decided to sacrifice the washing and ironing for the greater good, that's just the kind of guy i am always, thinking of others.
So anyway it was out at 6 and on to the restaurant, had not really thought too much about it but it was at a Japanese restaurant that specialised in Indian food. There was about 25 people there luckily quite a few of them spoke English as there were only two other non Japanese there apart from me, Razor and an American guy. Like i say food was good and we played some sort of party games which i didn't really have a clue about but it was good fun. At one stage we all had to do origami and make a swan, good job i was surrounded by Japanese else i would not have had a clue but they kept helping me and i got there in the end. It was for some kind of raffle but instead of a ticket you had too make a paper swan, imagine a bunch of blokes folding paper at a party in England to make swans, i don't think so do you, don't think they would think of it as a very macho thing to do.
Got to say though it was all good fun and not a drop of alcohol was drunk that was to be at the next place, the party was sort of in two stages one at a restaurant than it was on to a bar for drinking until the wee hours. So it was on to a place called Nokins and than after that Razor and me went up to Birdland, probably wasn't a good call but we did it anyway.
That pretty much wraps it up for last week and the weekend, have done one other this though booked myself a ticket to Korea next weekend. I've been promising myself a trip there for a long time as it's so close only 2 and half hours away. Found cheap ticket on Expedia and I’m going for a long weekend next week, leave Thursday night and will be back first thing Monday morning, will let you know how i get on.
I'll try and do another blog before i go and then the one after that should either be from Korea or after i get back.

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