Saturday, September 20, 2008

Long Time No Blog

Haven't posted for nearly three weeks not really had a lot to say and my Boss Fred No2 has been over here again so been busy at work as well, a bloke called Scott who is the head Electrical Engineer on the job's also came over with Fred for the week.
I'll just try and give you a run down on what's been going on and try and post on a bit more of a regular basis in future hopefully.
On the last blog said i was going to a couple of parties which both turned out well, didn't take my camera so no photos from them unfortunately. First one was Razas who just lives down the hall from me, this turned out to be quite a boozy one and went on pretty late it was just down the hall so didn't have far to stagger home which was just as well.
There was food and lot's of Sushi and Sashimi there which i guess you would expect in Japan. Didn't know before but the difference between Sushi and Shashimi is that Sushi is raw fish on rice and Sashimi is just raw fish, the girls did it all and the cooking and sort of stopped the blokes going in the kitchen, don't know if this is Japanese style or not but liked it they just kept bringing you drinks and snacks, nice.
The one the next day was at Fred N2's place this was just a meal cooked by his wife Susie with a few drinks which was good as well. Susie's a good cook, one of the main dishes was pork chops done in a sort of peanut butter sauce. Now i don't like peanut butter very much to say the least but Americans seem to love it sort of a staple so to speak, probably all the peanut butter sandwiches they had when growing up. Anyway i was prepared not to like it and just to be polite say it was nice which is what we Brits do after all, it was was great though and was really nice, so i had seconds.
After the parties the next week was just business as usual nothing much going on and i didn't go out or do anything much other then going to the gym. Fred No2 and Scott were coming the next Saturday and they wanted to go out when getting to Utsunomiya so figured that would be my next night out. Met them in the Lions Head about 11pm Saturday but they were pretty tired so after a couple of drinks it was back to the hotel for them.
The next week just consisted of meetings and a couple of meals out with people form work, at least when Fred comes over he pays for the meals so it's not all bad. Actually he's a good bloke so it's no problem at all, Scott's a nice bloke as well had met him before in Korea and a few times in the States, have known them both for about 10years so we all get on real well anyway.

The photos above are of a meal we went to with Honda, in what they call an Izakaya, sort of a Japanese style bar and restaurant the food being a bit more up market than a lot of places. Looks like we're sitting on the floor, well we are but there's a cut out under the table so you put legs down there, bit like a chair but at floor level.
The photos below are of a meal at a Chinese restaurant we went to with our electrical subcontractor on Thursday, the guy in the white shirt is my mate Fumio, not sure if this is a traditional Japanese name but he's Japanese and a nice guy who i go out with sometimes. The other one is of Scott and another of the Japanese electrical guys, a Tsunoda san (Mr) who is also nice.
So that is pretty much it it's Saturday now the 20th and Fred and Scott are on there way to the Narita airport as I'm writing this. Scott and I went out last night as it was his last night here, well we all went out me Scott the two Fred's and Chris but the other's went home early, light weights is all i can say. We went to a few bars had a couple of drinks sang a bit of Karaoke, well Scott did as his voice is better than mine, on the way home stopped at Korean restaurant for food with a couple of people we met, all in all a good last night for him i think.
Last night as well it was raining and a bit windy as there was supposed to be a Typhoon coming in everyone was worried about the flight being delayed, all i can say some one got it wrong as it's a real nice day today no rain and hot.
Just changing the subject for a minuet one other thing I've discovered recently is that when i have the windows open in the apartment it gets a bit dusty sometimes and I'm always hoovering up. What Ive discovered is that if i walk around in bared feet it pick up all the dust on the soles of my feet all i need to do is was it off in the shower and hey presto no need to hoover so much, clever hey, simple things please simple minds as they say.
As you can tell I'm struggling for anything of any interest to say so will get off now, I'm going to go to the gym in a minuet, it's the first time this week as Fred and Scott have been here.

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