Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting Ready

Well i booked my hotel in Korea last night http://www.youngchon.com/, I've stayed at the place i am going before it's not the cheapest but it is right in the center of town and i like it. It's costing me 60,000 Won which is the Korean currency, at the current exchange rate that works at to about 29 quid a night not bad at all. The rooms have computers, DVD players and fridges not to mention AC, you can't get that in the UK, in fact you are lucky if you get a fridge in most rooms, oh forgot to mention it also has a swimming pool.
Did a bit of last minuet washing last night and have to do the ironing to night along with my packing. I'm only going for a long weekend so i don't need much and I'm going to see if i can get everything in a small bag that i can carry on the plane with me, that way i won't need to wait around for the baggage to be unloaded and should be able to get straight to the bus. This is a critical part of the plan because if i don't get on a bus by about 9pm than i won't get to the hotel in Songtan which is where I'm going until about 11.30 pm and a couple of the place i want to stick my head in and see what's going on will be shut by about midnight, there will be plenty of place open after that though if i don't make it.
Songtan is where i stayed most of the time when i was working in Korea, as a place to stay it's pretty good as there's a big American Air Force base there, so lots of bars with a lot of western influence, also good shopping and good eating. It's maybe not everyones cup of tea as we Brits say, but i liked it. Don't get me wrong there are also plenty of Korean places there as well the western bit is mainly near the USAF base.
When i was there my mate Phil of http://thenakedbloggers.blogspot.com/ fame came out to see me and stayed for a while, think he would also say it was not a bad place to hang out for a while. If anyone sees Phil you will have to ask him about his trip to Korea, think he visited more countries than Phileas Fog did on his 80 day trip around the world, anyway suffice to say it was an epic trip to get to Korea which he had not planned on.
Talking about Phil i see from their blog the he and his wife Claire have just moved houses so hope everything goes well, i can see from the blog that it's been a bit of a wrench but as some one once said or sang "Things can only get better"
Anyway i digress so upward on onward so to speak, I'm actually debating if i should go and get my hair cut again before i go. After the shock of having it done before I've decided i quite like it really short, don't think I've used a comb for months, don't need to, may not have time to get it done though.
Haven't decided on how I'll get to the airport yet, have two options train or bus, the train is more expensive but faster, guess it will depend on how i feel tomorrow or if I'm in a rush, which i usually am, so am sort of tilting towards the train.
Anyway on to more pressing things "ironing", pressing things get it a bit of a play on words if you don't mind.
I'm not keen on ironing but guess it's got to be done as no one's going to do it for me unfortunately, so here goes.
Now that's done time to pack my bag, like i said before i don't need much only there for three days, but as usual I'll probably take far more than i need, never wear half the stuff i take away usually but for some reason no matter how hard i try not to i still take too many things.
That's about it for now will do some more than i get back from Korea, may not be able to or have the will to post while I'm there but if i do it will probably be with out photos. If i do post I'll add the photos when i get back to Japan as i won't be able to down load any, not taking my computer.
The photos below are just a random shot of me in the office and the view out of the window which just recently has been of a line of concrete trucks, as you can tell am struggling right now to write anything so got to blog off now.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Hope you're feeling better Steve. Have a good weekend in Korea!