Thursday, July 30, 2009

People Leaving

Just looked at the blog and found this in the drafts folder from when I was I was in Japan so thought finish it off and do a few more and get up to date with the saga.

God Junes gone I don't know what's been going on much, but do know I was a bit of a slob did not go to the gym for a whole month. Think I'd said that didn't really like the new place I was at so when my membership was up didn’t rejoin. It took most of June before I decided on another one. I've got go to say though it's really easy not to go to the gym, to be honest after a days work going to the gym is a bit of a pain in the arse. I mean if you don't get back home till around 6.30 -7 pm going to the gym can take around 2hrs with the getting there changing showering and all that, before you know where you are it’s 10pm. The other thing you always have people asking to go out for meals or a drink that kind of stuff and they always want to go at around 8pm that sucks as well you can't do both, on top of that try fitting a bit of telly or slob out time in around the edges, can’t be done it so it ends up almost impossible to go all the time, well that's my excuse and I’m standing by it. Like i say finally did decide on another gym it was called central gym and was just down the road from my house, I mean literally 5 mins walk away form the apartment.
One of the other things that's be happening is that a few people I’ve got to know over here are leaving and have to go back home as their stints over here are up. Even my neighbour Raza who’s in my apartment block has left had and back to Indonesia so I'm the only one on my floor now, I mean there were only two apartments on my floor and one has always been empty. Most of these guys work at Honda plants in other country's and were over here for a 2 year period, at the mother ship so to speak, training or learning the Japanese way of doing things something like that.
Anyway had a couple of parties, BBQ and the like, even played a bit of baseball which is a bit of a first for me, it was OK and much to my surprise I wasn't as bad even though I say so myself, after all it's only hitting a ball with a stick, cricket sort of but doesn't last for 5 days.

Just going to add some photos need to get up to date pretty quick as I'll be leaving myself soon, got a flight booked for the 3rd August right now.

June is the rainy season in Japan so if anyone is ever planning holiday over here try and avoid June/Early July as it's pretty damm wet.

Anyway below are some photos of a BBQ I went to for a couple of friend, Reza and Keith, it was at a place called

BBQ was for Keith and Raza, Keith is the one in the middle of the photo below on the left who's going back to the states and Raza is in the one on the right below and going back to Indonesia

I't was day me and Raza bought some chicken and stuff along with a load of beer, i got a football and a couple of things to chuck and kick around but turns out we were out numbered and base ball was the game of the day.

I also brought a car boot or trunk if you're from the states full of broken bits wood from site. Funny thing to keep in your boot I know but we had planned a bonfire fireworks and all that for Saturday night but the days got switched to Sunday cos of the weather so it never happened. I ended up taking it all back to site, the Japanese blokes had been looking at me strange when he was putting old bits of wood into the car you should seen them when I unloaded it and was taking it back.

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