Friday, July 24, 2009

May 2

This blogs called May 2 but I can’t really remember much else of what happened in May that’s probably a good thing as I don’t think there was much going on.
I’ve been working 6 days a week now for probably the last 4 months up to May so no time to do much other than work with the high lights of the week getting a lie in on Sundays and doing the weekly wash, pretty boring huh, as they say over here “same same”
Been out for a few meals n drinks stuff like that, went to Tokyo one night for a few beers and the like, Tokyo is a great city but you need time to see it and plan out what you want to do and that not,s my forte. Any way it was all very nice, went Shibuya and Roppongi again and even fitted in an new area for me Shinjuku, took the video camera with me this time so did not get any one shot photos.
Oh nearly forgot for most of May borrowed my mate Razers bike, what they call a “Mamacharichari is Japanese slang for bike and I’ll leave you to guess what Mama means.
Now these aren't real pretty bikes but as everyone or almost everyone rides this type you never feel out of place. I mean you see young kids, cool kids and senior citizens business men dressed up in their suits going to work, girls done up to the 9’s going out riding em so no problem. Got to say I enjoyed it like I say never felt out of place should have bought one when I first got here. One of the great things about having the bike was that you sort of go places you never would have if you were walking and sort of explored the little back streets it was real quick and not much effort, walking you probably could not be bothered, anyway I really enjoyed have the bike.
Oh the other thing I guess I did in May was to join a new gym my old one “water water” if you remember had closed, joined a big gym at the big shopping centre “Bel” Mall” the other end of town but as I had the bike I could cycle up there. Actually I’m not even a member of that gym now only joined it for a couple of months (the minimum) for a look see and didn’t really like it, to crowded for my liking. One good thing that came of it though was on the bike ride up there found a couple of nice restaurants and bars sort of tucked away in side streets which I would never have found if I’d been going in the car so that was good.
One of the places was a “Gyoza” shop Utsunomiyas famous for Gyoza by the way, well the tourist authority promotes it as the speciality of the town, and there sure are a lot of restaurants that sell it, to be honest It’s over rated if you ask me there seem to be hundreds of different types but only a couple of different tastes, guess the taste is too subtle for me.
Right so now I’m just going to throw in a few photos vies of Utsunomiya etc, the flowers by the way weren't mine I was just holding them for a mate of mine who was taking them to a girl he had pissed off, don’t really remember the details except it involved quite a bit of beer and crawling, not on you knees but to this girl

The photos below are of a night we went out with Arei san or Arry as we call him mainly cos that's what the name comes out like when we say it. We went to a Karaoke bar, usually they have young girls in them that want you to buy them drinks but apparently he knew the owner who tuned out to be a pretty old lady, she was good fun though and made us welcome. You can see by the photo when she stood next to Scott how small she was mind you he is about 6'3

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