Sunday, February 8, 2009

Closing Down

Well that's another week gone Mondays turn into Fridays before you know it, Saturday night now and I'm just getting ready to go out for the night, am sure it will turn out pretty much the same as last week though.
Not a lot's happened since i last posted a blog but I'm going to try and post two a week from now on, one Wednesday or Thursday and one on Sunday it's a bit ambitious to say the least but that's the plan, so watch this space as they say.
Like i say not much has happened since i last posted but from what i here on the news from sounds like the UK is almost shut down because of snow, at least i don't have that to contend with on my drive to work, it's bad enough trying to get there as it is. Driving here is sort of one of my pet hates, most people drive so damn slow, yeah i know they're sticking to the speed limits but if you ask me it's far to slow. The max speed limit here is 100kph and that's on major roads, most of the roads i go on the speed limit is 50kph that's about 35mph, I'm not talking about in town either, it's really frustrating, anyway enough of that my blood pressure is going up thinking about it.

Guess the major thing that has happened is that i found out the other day that the gym I've been going to since i got here will be closing at the end of March, bit of a bummer as i like it and it's easy to get too. The gym is called Water Water bit of a stupid name for a gym if you ask me especially as it hasn't got a swimming pool and the only water to be seen is the bottled type, they also sell a drink called "Pocari Sweat" doesn't conjure up a great image does it, maybe these two had contributed to it closing. Actually I'd thought there had been a lot more people joining since Christmas but apparently they're not making any money so what do i know. Guess the financial crisis is being felt everywhere, felt sorry for the staff though have got to know a few of them since I've been going there, most can't speak much English but a couple of them can and we always have a chat. They are all mostly young kids straight out of college/university, bit of a rude awakening to their working lives. Seems they were told last Sunday the place would be closing and were all really shocked, none of them had an inkling about it apparently, anyway looks like I'll be looking for a new gym to go to in a few weeks, and they'll all be looking for new jobs.

Talking about the gym normally drive up there and the other day spotted a building tucked out of the way on the road i take which looked fairly interesting, would not have noticed it but it was lit up and sort of a red colour. Have been meaning to take the camera and go for a look see but usually i forget it, anyway today "Sunday" i managed to remember it on my way to the gym to try and get over my hang over from being out last night up at Lions Head and Birdland.

Turns out the building is some sort of big red thing, with a couple of really mean looking guys guarding it with serious six packs, no seriously it some sort of shrine grave yard type deal, don't really know as i can't read Japanese. It was tucked away up sort of a back ally and behind a police station, it's funny what you come across here totally out of the blue or should i say red, it's a real mix of old and new to say the least. Took a couple of photos in the day then after I'd finished at the gym walked back down and took another couple of photos.

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