Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bad Ass Rabbit

Well we all went to a little Italiano restaurant last night or Should i say Saturday night which turned out to be really good. Luckily the guy who organised it all was Japanese as the menu was completely in Japanese and horror of horrors no pictures to be seen, guess it was a bit too up market for that.
As we didn't know what we were ordering we left it to Nagata san who did a real good job with the ordering, one dish i was a bit sceptical of it was the fish dish he ordered, just small whole fish with the bones and everything in, heads feet or fins the lot. You eat the whole thing so did not really fancy that but in for a meal in for a fish as they say "hu" anyway tried it and they were surprisingly good, could not even tell there was any bones or anything else inside so after that could eat anything so bring it on. The rest of the meal was pastas and salads and of course the obligatory Pizza at least over here that is.
The restaurant it's self was nice little place tucked away in a small street, from what i can gather it's frequented by the Honda F1 team when they're in town as there was photos of the cars on the wall along with the signatures of the drivers Button and Barrichello. Guess they won't be using it anymore now as Honda are selling the team, did take some photos of the place but they're on my phone and i can't get them off at the minuet, if i manage to get them off my phone i will add couple later
After the meal it was down to the Lions Head for a few beers and then up to a club called Birdland. Actually there are what seem like thousands of bars here and hundreds of restaurants mostly Japanese style usually pretty small bars some big ones as well there are a few other restaurants around which vary from Indian to German to Mexican all nice but only a few western style places to go for a drink. Utsunomiya also has the usual cinema complexes, bowling alleys and the like, it's a big town/city after all over 500,000 people.
Anyway that was pretty much the night over, like i say went up Birdland with some friends few beers plenty of chat and then home in the wee hours of the morning, sounds pretty boring but it was enjoyable, not quite like going down the local in the UK, although i guess Lions Head is getting to be my local now.
Sunday are usually a day for sleeping in getting up late cleaning the apartment and doing the washing, actually sometimes sleeping late getting up and just slobbing out for the rest of the day and doing nothing except watching TV, always feel guilty if i do that though but only for about a second or two.
This Sunday though i was a good boy and did my jobs did miss going to the gym though i just couldn't face it, will have to make up for it later though and it usually hurts it i miss too many days, getting to old i guess.
As I'm writing this is Wednesday the 4th February and I'm trying to make an effort to do a few more blogs this month, don't know if i can keep it up but I'm going to try. As i said before work is getting busier we've got both the Fred's another couple of Americans and two Germans so the office is bursting at the seams right now, it's going to be like this for a while now.
Not a lot has happened this week up to now as you can tell form the blog, did go to a Superbowl party on Monday night though at Fred apartment. Didn't really want to but had to be sociable as everyone else from work was going so along i popped. For anyone that doesn't know what the Superbowl is it's the American equivalent of the FA cup in England, when you don't really know what the rules are and a 1 hour game last 3 hours because of the commercials it's really boring.
Would rather watch a 5 day test match between England and anyone than this and that's saying something, the Americans seemed to enjoy it though i knew who won and i was dieing to to say but that would be cruel wouldn't it or, would it.
So that's pretty much been the week up to now not much to talk about as you can see and it's really difficult to do a blog when you ain't got nothing to write about, it is for me anyway. Guess i should be more imaginative or make stuff up, i mean no one would know would they only me so am going to post it as can't think of anything else to say.
Haven't got any photos to go with the blog either so am just posting a Bad Ass Rabbit video some one sent to me, it's where the title of the blog comes from and is nothing at all to do with what anything at all.

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