Monday, June 16, 2008

Joyful Honda

Went out to a place called Joyful Honda last Sunday, no it's no connection to Honda the car company, apparently Honda is a very common name over here a bit like Smith or Jones in the UK, well at least that's what i was told.
It was a lovely day and of course the place was packed and so were the roads. Didn't really know where it was but had heard of it and that it was big so i guess it was some where on the ring road or what ever they call a ring road over here.
Set out driving luckily i picked the right direction and found it in about half an hour, Joyful Honda sells everything from rubber bands to band stands just to say it's big is a bit of an understatement in it's self.
Parked the car and went in, the first place i saw was a bakery and a sort of Shish Kebab come meat on a skewer type place, of course i couldn't resist, it was about that time to eat after all. Had a few skewers which they warm up for you while you wait, most were OK but did not really cotton on to the chicken cartilage and breast ones, the chicken breast was good but the cartilage was definitely a no no, the rest were great though, even i i wasn't exactly sure what they were. After that it was on the the bakery bit, got some kind of custard filled kind of pastry and it was good, like i said in an earlier blog i may come back bigger than i went as the food is pretty good.
Wasn't there to buy anything just to have a look around and kill a couple of hours, did come across some other restaurants while looking around all looked good but gave them a miss as i was full.
Had a bit of a walk round the tool department, some of the things they use over here for digging are a bit strange, could just see someone wielding one of these in the rose bed, probably wouldn't be a pretty site.
Checked out the food and Sushi departments not forgetting the booze section. Had a quick whizz round the whole store but when you're not shopping for anything specific it gets a bit boring, basically it's just a big supermarket, seen one seen em all, just variations on a theme.
Check out the pre-packed squid and giant bottles of Saki and Soju below, squid looks yummy if you like that sort of thing.

After Joyful Honda was back into town and off to the gym to work of the bakery.
After the gym went out to the local Indian restaurant, yes they even have those here as well.
Went with a friend of mine, we each had the Lady's curry. Before you say anything it's called this because it's a smaller portion, two different types of curry some rice a plain nan some sort of onion barji, very nice i was surprised how good it was as i am not a great fan of Indian food.
Sounds like i am always eating but honest there was about 6 hours between meals.
After that back to the hotel to watch my one and only TV channel that is in English, CNN and trust me you can only watch so much news and American news at that.
Came over here thinking at i could at least stream some channels on BBCi or 4ondemand, but since i get here find out you can only watch these Internet service's if you are in the UK, life's a beach sometimes ain't it, beggars can't be chooser though and even CNN is better than nothing at all.

For the last week or so have been trying to find an apartment, when i do hope to get some form of cable or satellite channels, the apartment hunting is not going so well at the moment. loads of apartment but most of them too small or too far away from the areas i want to be in, actually there was one i wanted but i unmd and rrd a bit and it was gone, will find something else though.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Hi Steve! Great blogs! Sounds like your enjoying your first experiences of Japan. Looking forward to reading your next blog! CUS Claire