Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Party

Got back to Utsunomiy about 7pm, uneventful train ride just as i had come to expect.
Was going out later meeting a guy called Mike down the pub at about 10pm, I'd met Mike in the Gym and told him i was going to the Lion Head, my favorite pub, not really but when there are only two English style bars in a city of half a million people you don't have a lot to choose from, even if one of them is pretty bad it has to be you second favorite, that's my thinking at least.
Got to the bar and Mike was there he was talking to two girls who he introduced me to, they could both speak pretty good English that was a relief, if I'd had to relay on my Japanese then the conversation would have been over pretty quick, Mike on the other hand could speak Japanese well as he'd been in Japan for 10 years.
We all went to the second favorite bar, Iceman you don't have a lot of choice here, it turned out the both the girls were going to Megumies party tomorrow (Sunday) how that for a coincidence in a city of 500 thousand, guess when people say it's a small world they mean it and it sure was tonight. had a good night anyway.
After Mike and everyone had gone and i was walking home met another couple of guys i knew, there's quite a few Brit's here who teach and had bumped into them before at the Lions Head. to cut a long story short went went up a club called Birdland with them, before any one says you're to old for clubs i already know that but i went anyway. Shouldn't have gone because it was 4 in the morning before i got home but all in all it was not bad, felt a bit like a kid again had to have my hand stamped when i went in, you could only see it under black light though,
Next day borough the party, so off i went to buy some beer and a bit of food was in a bit of a rush as usual so not exactly sure on the food i bought some meat on a stick things and what looked like bits of pizza and some sort of fritter things as well as the beer.
Off Fred and i went to the party, it was at Mike and megs house, good job he was driving as i didn't have a clue where it was, but we got there that was the main thing.
Got in and there were about 15-20 people, mostly Mikes students who he taught English to, got talking to one older guy (73) who was real interesting. Japan is a pretty mountainous county and he was climbing the 100 highest mountains in Japan and he had done 70 of them. Apparently in Japan this is quite a romantic thing to clime the 100 highest mountains and lots of people do it, some you can just walk up but it's obviously pretty steep others you need full mountain climbing equipment.
The two girls just to the left of Fred arr the girls i met last night at the lions head, one of them is what they call here a chalk artiest. Basically she designs and produces menu boards for restaurants and bars, saw some pictures of her work and it looked very professional.
Forgot to take my camera to the party so not a lot of photos this is on that the girls took.
Party was good though and everyone was friendly, like i said before they were all English students so they all wanted to speak to you. food was good as well
Party was supposed to finish around 8pm, actually pretty much everyone left bang on time, must be that Japanese punctuality thing, needless to say Fred and i stayed to polish of the beer and Saki with Mike and Megumi. got a taxi home as driving over here while drinking is a definite no no.

1 comment:

Jim Robb said...

Hi Steve, lovin the blog. I had a trip to Japan about 10 years ago. Really liked it but was only there for a week so didn't get to know it to well. so keep it coming buddy.