Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gyms n Hair Clippers

It’s been a bit boring over here over the new year period as I said before lots of things are shut so not a lot to do, I’d also have been getting over a cold that I some how had picked up just in time for Christmas day I did manage to join a gym though.

Joined the gym I was going to before I left last August again signed for a month yesterday, centeral sports gym about five mins for where I'm living

You forget the simple things, like having to take your street shoes off before going into the changing rooms and you can’t put on your trainers before you go outside the changing rooms and into the gym, in fact the trainers you use are only supposed to be used in the gym and not outside. Now this sounds like a bit of a ball ache but its great, the changing rooms here are spotless, no mess on the floor from people tramping in all the mess from outside, nice soft clean carpets or Tatami mats to stand on.

The gym I’m going to in the UK is totally different and Is typical of every other gym I’ve used in the UK. Anyone can tramp in from outside with crap on their boots or shoes seems you can come straight in for the building site if you like and leave mud all over the place, then you’re changing you get it all over your feet or socks which sucks.

The other things that a different over here is when you go into the showers there is sort of a drying area so you don’t bring loads of water into the changing rooms themselves and get everywhere soaking like in my local gym back in the UK.

Like I say it’s the little things you notice but from going to gyms over here gyms in the UK suck big style, I know which system I prefer and It aint ours.

So first day back in the gym yesterday and I suffering a bit today, but I guess it’s all in a good cause although sometimes it don’t feel like it is.

The other thing I seem to have been doing is chasing around on and off over the last few days for an adapter plug so I can get my hair trimmer to work, forgot to bring one with me. I’d meant to give my self a hair cut before leaving, yeh I know I don't have any hair but I just want a hair cut all right and all the barbers are shut for New Years n when you want to do something you want to do it, well at least I do even it most people won’t be able to see a difference.

Anyway I'm in adapter plug track down mode and can I find one, like hell I can, finally hit on the idea of cutting of the moulded plug on my hair trimmer and fitting a Japanese style plug, finally got the plug fitted and plugged it into the wall and sweet nothing actually just a bit of a hum.

I mean I've lugged this thing 6,000 miles spent half a day going round shops in the freezing cold and had forgot it's only 100 volts over here so was not best pleased to say the least.
Was going to get may hair cut at the barbers but as it was New year this was closed as well. That's the barbers on the right reminds me of an American barbers shop, not that i know what one of those is like but seem to imaging lots of chairs and barbers working in the same shop and that what this ones like.
The morel of the story is don’t’ forget check the voltage of the country you’re going to before lugging stuff with you, I’ve got no excuse though I’ve had only lived her for over a year so should have know so it’s my own fault.Sorry It’s boring but not a lot has been going on here, can only hope it gets better, Scott one of the guys I was working with last year is back on the 5th so at least there will be someone to go out with, and we are back at work 6th so everything should be open again.

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