Thursday, March 26, 2009

Imigration Office Revisited

Today I've been down to Utsunomiyas Immigration office, not for me but for Scott who's been here about a month now. I've just been the chauffeur, a pretty expensive one as it took all day, but just the driver.
Scott is going through the same process as i had to go to get a work and multi entry visa and then an alien registration card so it brought back some memories apart from the fact that i did it in mid summer and not when it was peeing down.

The process isn't exactly hard to do just a bit frustrating as you have to wait for everything, first of all you need to get there before 9am stand in the que outside.When you finally get to go in you have to pull a number bit like going to the butchers, so the lower the number the better right. If you don't get there early you get a high number guess what we were late, Scott was out last night it didn't really bother me as i wasn't the one waiting but it sucked. We got to the office just after 9 and everyone had just gone in so i guess they got a high number teach him to be late.

Anyway dropped them off at the immigration office while i went to the bank to pay some bills and other stuff. I kept in touch with them, turns out they got number 3o or something, and it wasn't lucky number 30 either i can tell you. When i heard heard the number I knew it was going to take at least till after dinner from past experience, sucked a bit for them like i say but i toddled off to the gym and arranged to meet them back at the immigration office at about 1pm as i'd nothing much to do but wait for Scott and Chris our interpreter.
First time I've been to the gym middle of week day, it was good though there was no one much around there so no waiting for anything Yip Hee, It's a shame it will be closing at the end of the month, it's real convenient for me and i've got to know quite a few people that go there now. I still haven't decided on a new gym yet thinking about one called Golds, but i digress so back to the days events
Got back to the Imm office at about 1 they were no where to be seen, but i did see my mate Gav (Gavin) while i was waiting for them, he was surprised to see me especially as he owed me some dosh and wasn't expecting to give it to me today, told him not to bother till next time but he gave me half of it anyway, nice one mate.
Scott and Chris turn up around about then they had been getting some stamps for the paperwork and still needed to get one more. Turns the money that Gavin had given me back I lost it almost as soon as he gave it to me, Scott needed to borrow some to get another stamp, talk about easy come easy go.

So eventually we got his visa sorted out, then it was on to city hall to try and get his alian registration card, same thing there take a number and wait in line but here the que was not as big.

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