Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From Fire Escapes To Cars

Well I've just stocked up on T-Bags, 598Yen for 40 that's about 4 quid at today's ex rate, the things you do for a little piece of home, can't imagine doing this back in the UK. The other thing I've lashed out on is some Kerosene for my little heater, it's turning a bit cold here at night now so i dug out the heater the other day which my mate Razer had lent to me.
Had to go and get the Kerosene from the local petrol station, wasn't quite sure how to go about that as the pump is a self serve thingy, quite neat really you press a few buttons put in your cash and press go. When you're finished you get a little receipt with a bar code on it go to another machine get the bar code scanned and get you change all real easy in theory. Didn't quite work like that for me after about 3 attempt of trying to get the correct combination of buttons and getting it wrong i finally went in search of someone who could help me. Found a guy in a little office at the front watching TV who helped me out and showed me what buttons to press, think i can remember the correct buttons for next time, well i hope i can.
Off i go back to the apartment with my 18Ltrs of Kerosene filled up the fuel container for the heater, wouldn't you know got it all over my jeans. Didn't realise how bad it smelt until i went to the gym, got changed put my cloths in the locker while i went in, when i got back to change and have a shower smelt like i had been washing them in neat heating oil which i guess is ok if you like that sort of thing but i don't, no wonder people were moving away from me when i first went in, ah well live and learn.
Work is getting a lot busier now and next week we have another German guy and two more Americans coming over so the office will be full to busting with six people with a lot more going on. As we're getting real busy at work now I've just booked a ticket to go to Korea for the weekend, probably would not have gone but have a bank account there that i need to sort out and this will probably be the last opportunity i get for a while, booked through Expedia on United airlines so we'll see how this turns out, will let you know when i get back.
Well I'm back for Korea now actually been back for a nearly two weeks now just could not get round to finishing the blog. By the way the flight on United was pretty good and the best thing was it only cost $297. Iwas only in Korea for a couple of days but did manage to get my bank account sorted out, decided to leave the money over there and just put it in a saving account. The exchange rate is great at the moment so i mad money on that, put it in a fixed account for 3 month at nearly 6% interest. Yeah i know it may sound risky being in a foreign country and all that and i will have to go over there to get it out when i want it but i know at some point I'll be back over there, to be honest from what i here all the in the UK have problems anyway.Got to say this trip was better that the last, was a bit disappoint the last time i was here but things seemed better this time, stayed in the Young Chon hotel again. Did not really take any photos this trip though my camera is a bit old and it's a bit bulky in the pocket so tended not to take it out with me so when i did see some ting interesting did not have the camera, it's a hard life you know
This is the only photo i took while i was in Korea and it's in the hotel room shows you the escape route if there is a fire and you can't get to the stairs. Basically it's a rope in a box, you chuck it out of the window attach it to an eye blot in the wall and abbsailing down the wall, you probably need to be in your 20's or 30's to do this though and in the SAS to boot, no knots in the rope, i was on the 5 floor and it just didn't look long enough to reach the ground to me, got to jump i guess. The other major problem was the eye bolt fixed into the wall was actually not fixed into the wall, it pulled out. Just hope there isn't a fire, it all sounds good in theory and it should work but i don't want to try it. Then again theory's always do sound good, but am sure the robe met fire regulations at some point, and it is better than nothing, isn't it? by the way check out the 60's wall paper must be making a come back.
Since i started this blog entry we have not got three Germans in the office the two Americans have gone back to the states but we are getting three Americans mores on the 2nd Dec, sound's like we've won the lottery doesn't it, anyway we'll be pretty crowded.

Its getting pretty cold her right now even cold than when i started this entry, there is snow on the mountains around us and have to say the surrounding area looks really pretty nice with all the leaves changing colour.
Oh here is a view of the front of the building as of last week, the inside still has a hell of a lot to do the the outside is not that fare away from being done at least at the front.
I've had to cheat a bit and added a photo of may favorite car over here down loaded it from the Internet, been meaning to get a photo of in in the flesh so to speak but every time i see one don't have my camera. It's a little Daihatsu Copen, only seats two and it only has a small 660cc engine
Over here ether are lots of cars of 660cc or below there must be some special tax breaks and obviously they do lots to the gallon or should i say Liter, pretty nippy too.

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