Saturday, July 12, 2008

Moving In 2

It's been a few days since i moved in and have bought a few more things for the apartment and my new bed has been delivered it's probably a better bed than i have at home, no more sleeping on the Futon for me which can get a bit hard sometimes.
Bought myself a sofa, had previously been sitting on a cushion on the floor which was OK for a day or two, the sofa cost me 4,000 Yen from Aladdin's cave had been looking all over for something and was just about to go and splash out on a new one when i came across it.
4,ooo Yen is about 20quid in our money so all in all a good deal, it needed a bit of cleaning up and it took me a while and a bit of sweating to get it into the apartment, remember I'm 9 floors up don't think it will ever come out unless i smash it up. I know you're all probably thinking 20 quid for a sofa it can't be much cop, but it's not that bad, good job it was only a two seater else I'd never have got it in the lift in the first place let alone the apartment.
Also bought a dining table and four chairs 13,000yen, just over 60quids worth, another good deal, although i don't really need one, this came from Aladdin's cave as well, I'm one of their best customers at the moment.
Going to Aladdin's cave is a bit of an experience in it's self if you go at the wrong time not a sole speaks any English and i mean any not English, catch it just right and there's a lady who can speak a bit what with that and with sign language, pointing etc we get there.
Still need quite a few things but I'm starting to get there, main things are a gas burner and a washing machine, i still need all the other stuff to go with everything such as pots and pans, plates knives forks and probably 100 other things etc. There's loads of places over hear to get small things and of course there is the 100Yen store, which is about 50p to you or me and i guess the equivalent of Poundstretcher or something like that, it's another good place to go and check out.
So anyway now I've the apartment if anyone wants to come out for a visit they're more than welcome, I've go a spare bedroom even got a spare bed to go in it, think my oldest son Ben and his friend are coming over for a visit sometime mid August.
Now I'm sort of settled in am looking at the things i need to make things a bit more comfortable like a good Internet connection and some satellite TV.
Oh the other thing i did over the last couple of days was to open a bank account.
Actually I've been trying to do this for a week or so ever since i got my alien registration card, apparently you need this to be able to open an account.
Have been trying to open an account at the post office, apparently this is one of the biggest banks in Japan, anyway been down to two different places and no one would talk to me in English, was starting to wonder what was wrong with me.
No seriously most young people are taught English in schools so I know some one would have been able to speak it there. Problem is over here is it goes back being shy, no one want to make themselves look a foolish in front of their friends so they just tend to say they can’t speak English as it’s less hassle then maybe making a mistake or so everyone seems to think.
From a foreigners point of view it’s frustrating as you know at least one person would be able to speak English, funny thing is usually once you find someone that is prepared to speak they can usually write and read English much better than they can speak and in a lot of case really well. I’m told this is mainly because at schools they do a lot of theoretical work and not so much oral work.
Had been going down Third time lucky went to a different bank and found someone who could speak a little English or at least who was not afraid to try luckily for me.
Now I have a bank account with the Ashikaga Bank, check out the bank book, Asian cultures especially the Japanese seem to be big into cartoon/caricatures and that sort of thing. Looks a bit like it should be a kids bank book to me but there you go everyone gets them, the young the old and any passing foreigner, i mentioned it to a guy i know over here and he has one just the same.

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